Housing Improvements Update

Alpha Mu Alumni Association,

IMG_0513The active brother’s of the Alpha Mu chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha would like to thank you for your monetary assistance in updating the of the house. Before the updates to the back porch, the number of rocking chairs on the back porch had been slowly dwindling down towards zero as they began to fall apart. Many chairs were missing arm rests or legs that made them impossible to sit in and despite multiple attempts to repaint them the paint continued to chip and fall away. The funds allocated by the alumni association allowed us to purchase 12 new rocking chairs and new benches; one of the attached pictures shows the condition of the old benches and the other depicts one side of the back porch which is now home to 6 out of 12 of the new rocking chairs and two new benches. The updated back porch has seen more use by brothers in the past few weeks and is now far more presentable to guests and rushees.

While the back porch has been a major project, other house improvements have been made recently or are currently in progress. We replaced the woofer in one of our large speakers as the old one had been overdriven and thus no longer worked. A new bookshelf will be assembled this weekend in the study of the house. This bookshelf will be the new home for chapter records, history, and awards. We have also begun the process of fitting a projector to one of the rooms in the basement to make a room for watching sports and movies.

The image and upkeep of this house is important to us and we appreciate your help in improving that image.

Phi Phi,
Rob Leslie
University of Georgia 2018
Pi Kappa Alpha MC

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