Alpha Mu Chapter
The Alpha Mu Chapter at the University of Georgia was founded in 1908, making Pike one of the oldest fraternities on campus. In 2009, our chapter moved into a newly completed, 3.4 million dollar house in Greek Park, where we currently reside.
The Alpha Mu brotherhood strives to idealize the ethics and morals set forth by our founders: academics, athletics, leadership, and community service. These qualities are exemplified by Alpha Mu’s representation in club athletics, IFC, Order of Omega, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, UGA HEROs, Golden Key Honor Society, and the UGA Honors Program. Alpha Mu holds an annual beach volleyball tournament every spring known as “Spike For Life,” which raises money for UGA Miracle.
While academics and integrity are the main focus of Alpha Mu, the brothers still find time to continue the tradition of a strong social calendar. Our brothers enjoy numerous date nights, band parties, and socials throughout the year including Epicurean Ball Formal in New Orleans, Beach Weekend in Florida, and our annual week-long Pike’s Peak in the spring, to name a few. The Alpha Mu Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha has and will continue to develop young men into leaders and gentlemen both in and out of the classroom.